The CNN-News 18 (previously known as CNN IBN) channel is counted among the top-ranking English news channels in India. Founded by Raghav Bahl, this popular news channel is owned by both Network 18 and Warner Media International. The headquarters of the CNN-News 18 channel is situated in Noida in Gautam Budh Nagar in Uttar Pradesh.
The CNN-News 18 channel provides coverage of national and international news. Whereas CNN covers the international news for the channel, the Indian Broadcasting Network focuses on Indian news coverage.
Reliance Industries took over Network 18 in May 2014. This investment was the largest-ever investment in the Indian media arena. Before this deal, Reliance Industries was already indirectly controlling TV 18 because the company had started investing in Network 18 from January 2012 onwards.
The CNN IBN channel was launched on 18th December 2005 by Time Warner and Global Broadcast News (formerly known as TV18 Broadcast Limited). Because CNN International was reaching only the urban population in India, the CNN IBN channel was launched for CNN network to reach the rest of India’s population.
The TV 18 Broadcast Limited was running the channel under the Cable News Network (CNN) brand name.
As per Network 18 sources, the CNN-News 18 channel is watched by about 45 million households on an average daily.
On 18th April 2016, CNN IBN was rebranded and came to be known as CNN News 18.
Among the popular sister channels of CNN News 18 channel are CNN International, POGO, Cartoon Network India, WB channel, HBO Asia, and News 18 India.