Launched in partnership with Reuters on 23rd January 2006, the Times Now news channel broadcasts news in the English language. The owner of the Times Now channel is the Times Group.
Media Network and Distribution (India) Ltd (MNDIL) handles the distribution of the Times Now channel. Having the Times Group and Yogesh Radhakrishnan as partners, MNDIL is a joint venture between both these two parties. Mr Radhakrishnan is associated with the brand Prime Connect as a cable and satellite industry trouper.
The Times Now channel has several sister channels. These include Mirror Now, Zoom, Romedy Now, Movies Now, MNX, MN+, ET Now, among others.
The Times Now channel is broadcast around the world. Also, the headquarters of the Times Now news channel is traceable to Mumbai in Maharashtra in India.
Some journalists that are associated with the Times Now channel are Navika Kumar, Rahul Shivshankar, and Maroof Raza. While Rahul Shivshankar is the Editor-in-Chief, Navika Kumar is the Group Editor. Additionally, Maroof Raza is the Consultant & Strategic Affairs expert.
The Times Now channel covers news on a variety of topics. Sports, Education, Health, Business, and Entertainment – the Times Now channel covers the latest updates in all these fields.
On online platforms, the Times Now channel is accessible via its official website, To watch Times Now channel news online, the link is available.
As a pay channel in India, Times Now is available on a variety of networks. These include Airtel Digital TV, Reliance Digital TV, Tata Sky, Dish TV, d2h, among others.