The CBC News Network was previously known as CBC Newsworld that was launched on 31st July 1989. Then, during October 2009, CBC Newsworld was renamed to its present name, CBC News Network.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation owns the CBC News Network – a Canadian English language news channel. CBC News Network is hailed for being Canada’s first news-only channel.
Moreover, CBC News Network is recognized for being the world’s third television service that is dedicated to delivering news. Here, CBC Network comes after CNN in the US and Sky News in the UK.
The CBC News Network channel earns revenue from both cable subscription charges and commercial advertising.
The headquarters of the CBC News Network channel are based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Previously, CBC News Network would broadcast on both hourly news updates magazine-style programs. However, now, the channel focuses on live news and documentaries. Among documentary programs of the channel are Rough Cuts and The Passionate Eye; Michaëlle Jean is the host of these shows.
The Politics is another program that the CBS News Network channel broadcasts; this show is aired two times per day. Don Newman hosts this show that discusses political affairs.
Moreover, in the year 2005, the CBC News Network launched The Hour program for attracting youngsters; George Stroumboulopoulos is the host of this program.
The channel’s live rolling news coverage has been branded as CBC News Now, which airs during the day from 0600 hours to 1700 hours ET (Eastern Time Zone).
Also, from 1700 hours to 1900 hours ET, the CBC News Network broadcasts the Power & Politics program.
The Canada Tonight program that Ginella Massa hosts is aired on the channel from 2000 hours to 21 hours on weekdays.
The Investigators, The Fifth Estate, Marketplace, and Rosemary Barton Live – all are other programs that are aired on the CBC News Network.